About Doriot Venture Labs

The History

General Georges Doriot (pronounced "Dor-ee-oh") is widely recognized as the "Father of Venture Capital.” As the first VC, Doriot achieved a 22% IRR over a 25-year period - still the benchmark for venture success. In his later years, General Doriot was quoted as saying: “People who do well in life understand things that other people don’t understand”. 

This observation directly applies to the world of venture. Much like the game of Texas Hold'em, venture appears to be straightforward and welcoming to anyone with an innovative idea or access to money. However, short of luck, 80% of players end up paying the "fool's tax" while the top 20% rake in above market returns. And like Hold'em, if you can't identify the fool in a venture deal, it's probably you.

Thus, Doriot Venture Labs was launched to serve those who want to be in the top 20% of venture knowledge, where success is ultimately measured by what really matters: returns.

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